As I reflect on 2016, I see highs and lows. I was excited to present at CUE affiliate conferences such as ETC! 2016 and CVCUE's EDventure. I also had the honor of being a presenter at Fall CUE. That provided both a high and a low. I met great people and gained so much more than I can express here, but I also had only six people attend my presentation which threw me. However, I gained from the experience and I gained from their feedback. Later I would learn that I had been selected to present at the CUE National Conference and that was HUGE for me! Wahoo!
I learn from both my accomplishments and my failings at presentations. I learn how to make them better and I learn hat works. It makes me a better presenter, but also a better educator and for all of that I am grateful.

Going into 2017, there is much #EduAwesome #Adventure to look forward to, but at the top of the list is that which I am developing with my young son: If You Give A Kid a Camera. It will be presented at a CUE Rockstar in the late spring with him by my side, but we are first developing it for me to present at the ETC! 2017 conference. We, in fact, worked on some additions last week as we hiked together at our family Ranch. Let me tell you, if you give a kid a camera...magic happens. Hikes happen from a completely different perspective, learning happens, adventure happens. And, you learn to relinquish come control and allow all of that to happen magically.

In 2016, I created my own #EdTechRoadtrip and traveled to Southern Alabama where I learned from other educators. I documented what I could with photographs in a Shutterfly book after documenting here on this blog. It was amazing! I also experienced a different part of the United States in the process. For that, I am grateful and yearning to return. Later in the year, I I extended the #EdTechRoadtrip and visited a Google campus in Seattle. I explored, I learned, I shared, I took in as much as a could. Then I brought it home.
I started out 2016 as an EdTech Coach and Technology Teacher at a small private school. I closed out the year, returning tot he classroom at a small country/charter school. It was the most amazing transition! I found myself. I have reach students. I have extended the teaching I know works and I have seen it work more extensively. I have built rapport with students, colleagues, and administration. I am right where I am supposed to be and there is no doubt in my mind about that.

I closed out 2016 with my brother who is an officer in the Navy, my cousin who works in the Turf Library at Michigan State, and my younger cousin who is a sixth grader. We shared great stories, accomplishments, and things we look forward to in the months ahead.

I've mentioned before that I come from a family of educators, but I also come from a family of learners.
Goals for 2017 include starting my master's degree, presenting at the CUE National Conference, continuing my PD experiences, learning, sharing, and doing my best to be the best facilitator of learning I can be. I support my own kids' educational experiences and there are many ahead. (Science fair anyone?)
I turn 40 this year which means a great deal to me. I have goals to reach and things to accomplish, but that means more than just me doing things. That means great things for my students, and my colleagues. I hope they see the benefits of my efforts to be the best I can be. And I hope my students learn from my example and strive not only to do their best but to be the best. Because they can be the best and I will do everything I can to help them realize that.
Happy 2017 everyone!
Don't get yourself down due to how many people attended your session. I remember doing a session once where no one came! It happens to all of us. Good luck on the rest of your 2017 journey