Sunday, January 3, 2016

Make it an Edu-Awesome Year!

"I want to be a blogger like mommy."
It's a new year. Well, sort of anyway. As educators, we essentially have two new years. We have the start of the new school year and the start of the new calendar year. We are already on day three of this 366-day Edu-Awesome Adventure!

Great things happened as 2015 came to an end and plans have already been set for the year ahead. We're kicking things off next weekend with a (tentative) hiking trip at Mount Bruno in San Francisco. We will adjust for weather, as necessary/if necessary.

I write a lot. I write beyond this blog with other topics and I am working on some crossover this year. I'm calling it the hashtag crossover. There are a handful of hashtags I will use this year. #EduAwesome and #ScienceRocks will continue, of course. The crossover hashtags are:
Will Maggie Rose make an appearance at CUE16?
#steampunk #anticipation

I invite others to join with me throughout the year. When you encounter something that brings you joy, please share it. When you look around the world and see ways in which we can spread love, share it. And, of course, even on the worst days, we can all find something for which to be thankful. There's the student who made a breakthrough. There's the day the computers co-operate more than usual. There's the day we high-five a colleague. There's the day we make it to school even though it's pouring rain. There's the day we finally get to participate in one of our favorite Ed chats.

I have labeled this year as a year of anticipation. We are still awaiting the results of the #FindYourPark contest. Voting closed in October. In mid to late November I was told winners would be notified "in a few weeks." And so, we wait. With anticipation. A colleague nominated me for CUE's Outstanding Emerging Teacher. And so, I wait. With anticipation. I am presenting at the end of February at ETC! 2016. And so, I wait. With anticipation. Travel plans, adventures, and of course, classroom firsts are all ahead. And so, I wait. With anticipation. Perhaps, I plan with anticipation. Great things will happen in 2016.

My uncle (a former chemist) led my children and their cousins in the volcano
experiment that came with my daughter's MC2 doll from Santa.
I thank my PLN for moving me along in this journey. I thank all of you from whom I have learned. I thank all of you who have shared with me and read and encouraged me. Every bit of this has benefited students at my school and in my hometown. What a wonderful, small world in which we operate and educate.

We investigated more new finds.

At home, we have a new circuit kit to work with, we are trying new things with a Chromebook, we are looking at robots and spheros and Star Wars. Do you want to build a robot...??? Then while my kids take the new things they are learning back to school, so will I and I will share with my other kids, my students. I saw a shirt or meme a few days ago about "stop teaching curriculum and start teaching students." Very thought-provoking.

What are your goals for 2016? What are your hashtags for 2016?



Let's do this.

Let's do this with love and joy and anticipation. Let us be grateful everyday and tell the world #whattup as we continue on this Edu-Awesome Adventure! Allons-y!

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