As summer vacation comes to an end and preparation for the new school year begins, I find myself finalizing a few summer goals. I painted a mural of the Narnia lamppost at our family cabin. I took my children on some pretty rad adventures, giving them more EduAwesome Adventures to hold in their memory banks. One such adventure included visiting Mission La Purisima. My son hopes he will get to select his mission for his fourth grade project, so that he can put to use some of his knew knowledge. He has visited other missions, but this seems to be his favorite so far. I've worked on developing some professional development sessions, but indeed have some more work to do. I set my website up to redirect here to the EduAwesome Adventure blog.
Make Each Day an EduAwesome Adventure
And, I designed a t-shirt and matching sticker to help promote making each day an EduAwesome Adventure!

As I prepare to enter a new role at a new school, I have been keeping a small notebook with ideas. I just made my first purchases of the new school year yesterday.
I have a fabulous theme in mind for the classroom:
We are all super heroes!
What's your super power?
I look forward to teaching, to learning, to sharing. I am excited to teach eighth grade social studies in a Presidential election year. Great things are ahead!
Goals for the next week include:
1. Complete my outline planning for the school year.
2. Set up my classroom.
3. Continue to share the thinking behind making learning into EduAwesome Adventures.

What are your top three goals for the week ahead?
If you're in the market for a new shirt or sticker? Check out this link:
EduAwesome Adventure gear